Known properties: mainly digestive, calms intestinal spasms; hypocholesterolaemia, mucolytic, bactericidal, antimycotic; useful in cooking especially for fish.
Known properties: very similar to Rosewood in its chemical make-up, it offers similar benefits for the well-being and regeneration of cellular tissues resulting in healthy, glowing skin.
Known properties: powerful anti-infective (mainly anti-bacterial, but also anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasitic) and tonic.
This precious essential oil is extracted from tropical wood in the Amazonian rain forest. It contains a high concentration of linalool, with properties that are very similar to Ho wood and true Lavender.
Known properties: anti-infectious and antiseptic, expectorant, venous decongestant and insect repellent. It is also radioprotective (helps protect healthy tissue from some of the side effects caused by radiation therapy).