Formerly used as an astringent in eye diseases, cornflower floral water is an effective emollient and decongestant which is recommended for the care of tired or irritated eyes and swollen eyelids and is perfect for makeup removal.
Much appreciated and often used in cosmetics for anti-ageing care , this hydrolate is calming, soothing and refreshing and combats the appearance of brown spots.
Its gourmet aromas will both enhance your desserts and promote the onset of sleep!
The Geranium was imported to Europe towards the end of the XVII century and mainly used in perfumery.
Useful for menopausal disorders, it is a known hormonal regulator. Its hemostatic, antiseptic and healing properties are useful in cases of minor cuts such as abrasions on the knees of children.
Don’t hesitate to use it for oily or irritated skin (rosacea or acne) as it cleans the skin and is non-abrasive.
For internal use try 1 tsp 3 times a day in a glass of water.
A truly exceptional product that strengthens the resistance of blood capillaries: this plant is remarkable against redness, rosacea and spider veins! In addition to its known virtues (anti-haematoma and contusions) it is both healing and regenerative, combats free radicals and helps to maintain young, vibrant skin and a unified complexion.
Regulatory treatment for combination or oily skins.
Lavender floral water is astringent, antiseptic and healing: it is recommended for the care of greasy or combination skins and combats acne. It also relieves mild sunburn.
Has a calming effect and is useful for nervous conditions, mental agitation, stress and tension.