Peel and slice the carrots into sticks, around 2 carrots per person, depending on their size.
Place them in the oven, drizzle with water and olive oil to prevent them from drying out, add a finely chopped onion and the equivalent of 2 pinches of fennel seeds, crushed beforehand, then bake at 180° for 40 minutes. Stir halfway through to ensure even cooking. Add salt & pepper to taste.
Set them aside to cool whilst you prepare the accompanying sauce:
In a bowl, combine 4 tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of apple cider vinega and a few drops of our Sublim'Arome Tarragon food flavouring. Add salt & pepper again, to taste. Drizzle the dressing over the carrots and top with fresh parseley for colour and vitamin C.
This vegetarian recipe is simple, quick and ideal in the case of digestive disorders thanks to the respective properties of fennel and tarragon!